Module | Input | Input Format | Output | Output File Names |
sample_reads | FASTQ file(s) | .fastq.gz or .fastq or .fq |
Subampled FASTQ file(s) | sample_1.fastq sample_2.fastq |
trim_reads | FASTQ file(s) | .fastq.gz or .fastq or .fq |
Trimmed FASTQ file(s) and summary from Trimmomatic text file |
trimmed_1.fastq trimmed_2.fastq trimmed_U.fastq trimmomatic_summary.out |
join_reads | FASTQ file(s) | .fastq.gz or .fastq or .fq |
FASTQ files for joined reads and unjoined reads | joined.fastq notjoined_1.fastq notjoined_2.fastq |
ec_reads | FASTQ file(s) | .fastq.gz or .fastq or .fq |
Error corrected FASTQ file(s) | corrected_1.fastq corrected_2.fastq corrected_U.fastq |
assemble_denovo | FASTQ file(s) | .fastq.gz or .fastq or .fq |
De novo assembled contigs FASTA file and de novo summary text file |
denovo_contigs.fna denovo_summary.txt |
assemble_amplicons | FASTA files and GTF file |
.fna or .fasta or .fa and .gtf |
FASTA file with assembled amplicons | amplicon_assembly.fna |
assemble_scaffold | FASTA files | .fna or .fasta or .fa |
FASTA files with scaffolded and aligned sequences and FASTA file with assembled amplicons |
scaffold_aligned.fa scaffold_assembly.fa scaffold_imputed.fa scaffold_padded.out |
align_reads | FASTQ files and FASTA file |
.fastq.gz or .fastq or .fq and .fna or .fasta or .fa |
Aligned BAM file and Bowtie2 alignment output summary text file |
aligned.bam aligned.bt2.out |
call_variants | BAM and FASTA file |
.bam and .fna or .fasta or .fa |
VCF file with variants | variants.vcf.gz |
vcf_to_consensus | VCF file | .vcf | FASTA file with consensus sequence | consensus.fna |
refine_assembly | FASTQ files and FASTA file |
.fastq.gz or .fastq or .fq and .fna or .fasta or .fa |
FASTA file with refined consensus sequence | refined.fna |
finalize_assembly | FASTQ files and FASTA file |
.fastq.gz or .fastq or .fq and .fna or .fasta or .fa |
FASTA file with final refined consensus sequence and final BAM file with reads aligned to final FASTA file and VCF file with variants relative to final.fna |
final.fna and final.bam and final.vcf.gz |
predict_haplo | FASTQ files and FASTA file |
.fastq.gz or .fastq or .fq and .fna or .fasta or .fa |
PredictHaplo's fasta-like output file | best.fa |
ph_parser | PredictHaplo's FAS output file | .fas | Summary text file with haplotype diversity statistics and FASTA file with haplotype sequences |
ph_summary.txt and ph_haplotypes.fna |
clique_snv | FASTQ files and FASTA file |
.fastq.gz or .fastq or .fq and .fna or .fasta or .fa |
FASTA file with haplotype sequences and TXT files with summary information | cs0X_REGION.fasta cs0X_REGION.txt cs0X_REGION_summary.txt |
pairwise_align | FASTA files and GTF file |
.fna or .fasta or .fa and .gtf |
JSON file | pairwise_aligned.json |
extract_pairwise | JSON file from pairwise_align output | .json | FASTA output with region extracted to standard out | stdout.fasta |
summary_stats | Direcoty lists for assembly and haplotype files (TXT) | .txt | Summary statistics (TXT and TSV) | summary_stats.txt summary_stats.tsv PH_summary_stats.tsv |
multiple_align | FASTA files and/or directory list (TXT) and GTF file |
.fna or .fasta or .fa and .txt and .gtf |
FASTA alignment and sequence files separated by amplicons in GTF | alignment_regionX.fasta all_sequences_regionX.fasta |
model_test | FASTA or PHYLIP alignment file | .fna or .fasta or .fa or .phy |
Text file containing best-fit models | modeltest_results.out |
build_tree | FASTA or PHYLIP alignment file | .fna or .fasta or .fa |
RAxML output files | RaxML_info.build_tree.tre and RAxML tree files |