

HAplotype and PHylodynamics pipeline for viral assembly, population genetics, and phylodynamics.

install with bioconda


In this User Guide, we assume basic familiarity with conda environments, basic bash knowledge and knowledge of general next-generation sequencing (NGS) concepts. For more information regarding all of these, see helpful links and FAQ. Remember that a directory is a simply a folder nesting system, similar to what you see on your computer. Where you see "folder" below you can also say "directory."

HAPHPIPE is intended only for Linux and Mac OS X platforms. If you are a Windows user, see this section on our install page.

This User Guide was developed jointly by undergraduate and graduate students to be accessible for users at all stages. Margaret C. Steiner, Keylie M. Gibson, Matthew L. Bendall, Uzma Rentia, and Pengfei Li all contributed to developing this User Guide and testing HAPHPIPE.

See our protocol paper (link coming soon) for more information and this paper for our validation study.


When using HAPHPIPE, please cite our article when it is available. For now, reference the GitHub website: https://github.com/gwcbi/haphpipe and the validation paper.

The HAPHPIPE suite

Each stage can be run on its own. Stages are grouped into 4 categories: hp_reads, hp_assemble, hp_haplotype, and hp_annotate. More detailed description of command line options for each stage are available in the below sections. To view all available stages in HAPHPIPE, run:

haphpipe -h

Output will look like:

Program: haphpipe (haplotype and phylodynamics pipeline)
Version: 1.0.2

 -- Reads
    sample_reads             subsample reads using seqtk
    trim_reads               trim reads using Trimmomatic
    join_reads               join reads using FLASh
    ec_reads                 error correct reads using SPAdes

 -- Assemble
    assemble_denovo          assemble reads denovo
    assemble_amplicons       assemble contigs to amplicon regions
    assemble_scaffold        assemble contigs to genome
    align_reads              align reads to reference
    call_variants            call variants
    vcf_to_consensus         create consensus sequence from VCF
    refine_assembly          iterative refinement: align - variants - consensus
    finalize_assembly        finalize consensus sequence

 -- Haplotype
    predict_haplo            assemble haplotypes with PredictHaplo
    ph_parser                parse output from PredictHaplo
    cliquesnv                assemble haplotypes with CliqueSNV

 -- Description
    pairwise_align           align consensus to an annotated reference
    extract_pairwise         extract sequence regions from pairwise alignment
    summary_stats            generates summary statistics for samples

 -- Phylo
    multiple_align           multiple sequence alignment
    model_test               tests for model of evolution using ModelTest
    build_tree_NG            builds phylogenetic tree with RAxML-NG

 -- Miscellaneous
    demo                     setup demo directory and test data

HAPHPIPE consists of a suite of sub-commands under each stage that are invoked as follows:

haphpipe [stage] [sub-command] [options]

For example, to join paired end reads, one would invoke the following:

haphpipe join_reads --fq1 trimmed_1.fastq --fq2 trimmed_2.fastq