This stage includes phylogenomics stages.

Phylo Quick-Start

HAPHPIPE includes three modules for phylogenomics: multiple_align, model_test, and build_tree. These three modules are sufficient to turn your consensus and/or haplotype sequences from the other modules into a phylogenetic tree! For purposes of this quick-start guide, we will demonstrate the modules to create a tree from HIV pol consensus sequences.

Step 1: Alignment

After running either of the assembly pipelines, final.fna files will be located in directories named ./<SampleID>/haphpipe_assemble_0[1|2]. For the multiple_align module, we need to create a list of all of these directories. We can do so easily with one command (shown for haphpipe_assemble_01 output:

ls -d ./SRR*/haphpipe_assemble_01 > ./dir_list.txt

Now, we will align all of these final.fna files:

haphpipe multiple_align --dir_list dir_list.txt --ref_gtf refs/HIV_B.K03455.HXB2.gtf 

The output will be located in a new directory, hp_multiple_align. The alignment of pol sequences is the file alignment_region00.fasta.

Step 2: Model Selection

Now, we will use the model_test module to determine the best-fit evolutionary model for our data. This is an input to the tree building module. We will use this command to generate best-fit models available in RAxML:

haphpipe model_test --seqs hp_multiple_align/alignment_region00.fasta --run_id alignment_region00 --template raxml

The ModelTest output will be written to a file called modeltest_results.out and a summary of all the best models will be written to modeltest_results_summary.tsv. Examples of both are below.

ModelTest-NG Output
    ModelTest-NG vx.y.z

    Input data:
      MSA:        multiple_align/alignment.fasta
      Tree:       Maximum likelihood
        file:           -
      #taxa:            6
      #sites:           1975
      #patterns:        114
      Max. thread mem:  0 MB

      Log:           /var/folders/lv/dqdkd8957_3fv6yxsyfsvn0r0000gn/T/tmpHP_model_testud4sc4ya/samp12_modeltest_results.log
      Starting tree: /var/folders/lv/dqdkd8957_3fv6yxsyfsvn0r0000gn/T/tmpHP_model_testud4sc4ya/samp12_modeltest_results.tree
      Results:       /var/folders/lv/dqdkd8957_3fv6yxsyfsvn0r0000gn/T/tmpHP_model_testud4sc4ya/samp12_modeltest_results.out

    Selection options:
      # dna schemes:      11
      # dna models:       88
      include model parameters:
        Uniform:         true
        p-inv (+I):      true
        gamma (+G):      true
        both (+I+G):     true
        free rates (+R): false
        fixed freqs:     true
        estimated freqs: true
        #categories:     4
      gamma rates mode:   mean
      asc bias:           none
      epsilon (opt):      0.01
      epsilon (par):      0.05
      keep branches:      false

    Additional options:
      verbosity:        very low
      threads:          1/6
      RNG seed:         12345
      subtree repeats:  enabled

    BIC       model              K            lnL          score          delta    weight
           1  HKY                4     -5380.7535     10860.1551         0.0000    0.7049
           2  TrN                5     -5378.2013     10862.6391         2.4839    0.2036
           3  TPM1uf             5     -5379.8699     10865.9763         5.8211    0.0384
           4  TPM3uf             5     -5380.7175     10867.6716         7.5164    0.0164
           5  HKY+G4             5     -5380.8440     10867.9246         7.7694    0.0145
           6  HKY+I              5     -5381.4917     10869.2200         9.0648    0.0076
           7  TIM3               6     -5378.1637     10870.1523         9.9971    0.0048
           8  TrN+G4             6     -5378.3069     10870.4387        10.2836    0.0041
           9  TPM2uf+G4          6     -5378.9908     10871.8064        11.6512    0.0021
          10  TrN+I              6     -5379.0181     10871.8610        11.7059    0.0020
    Best model according to BIC
    Model:              HKY
    lnL:                -5380.7535
    Frequencies:        0.3695 0.1709 0.2219 0.2377
    Subst. Rates:       1.0000 2.4741 1.0000 1.0000 2.4741 1.0000 
    Inv. sites prop:    -
    Gamma shape:        -
    Score:              10860.1551
    Weight:             0.7049
    Parameter importances
    P.Inv:              0.0100
    Gamma:              0.0216
    Gamma-Inv:          0.0002
    Frequencies:        1.0000
    Model averaged estimates
    P.Inv:              0.0215
    Alpha:              94.2337
    Alpha-P.Inv:        91.7960
    P.Inv-Alpha:        0.0214
    Frequencies:        0.3700 0.1702 0.2226 0.2372 

      > phyml  -i multiple_align/alignment.fasta -m 010010 -f m -v 0 -a 0 -c 1 -o tlr
      > raxmlHPC-SSE3 -s multiple_align/alignment.fasta -c 1 -m GTRCATX -n EXEC_NAME -p PARSIMONY_SEED
      > raxml-ng --msa multiple_align/alignment.fasta --model HKY
      > paup -s multiple_align/alignment.fasta
      > iqtree -s multiple_align/alignment.fasta -m HKY

    AIC       model              K            lnL          score          delta    weight
           1  TrN                5     -5378.2013     10784.4026         0.0000    0.2246
           2  TIM2+G4            7     -5376.4972     10784.9944         0.5919    0.1671
           3  TIM3               6     -5378.1637     10786.3274         1.9249    0.0858
           4  TIM2+I             7     -5377.2570     10786.5141         2.1115    0.0782
           5  TrN+G4             6     -5378.3069     10786.6138         2.2113    0.0744
           6  TIM1+G4            7     -5377.3549     10786.7098         2.3073    0.0709
           7  HKY                4     -5380.7535     10787.5069         3.1044    0.0476
           8  TPM1uf             5     -5379.8699     10787.7398         3.3372    0.0423
           9  TPM2uf+G4          6     -5378.9908     10787.9815         3.5790    0.0375
          10  TrN+I              6     -5379.0181     10788.0362         3.6336    0.0365
    Best model according to AIC
    Model:              TrN
    lnL:                -5378.2013
    Frequencies:        0.3720 0.1679 0.2249 0.2352
    Subst. Rates:       1.0000 2.2008 1.0000 1.0000 3.1065 1.0000 
    Inv. sites prop:    -
    Gamma shape:        -
    Score:              10784.4026
    Weight:             0.2246
    Parameter importances
    P.Inv:              0.1262
    Gamma:              0.3943
    Gamma-Inv:          0.0384
    Frequencies:        1.0000
    Model averaged estimates
    P.Inv:              0.0216
    Alpha:              93.2595
    Alpha-P.Inv:        94.4193
    P.Inv-Alpha:        0.0216
    Frequencies:        0.3718 0.1684 0.2238 0.2359 

      > phyml  -i multiple_align/alignment.fasta -m 010020 -f m -v 0 -a 0 -c 1 -o tlr
      > raxmlHPC-SSE3 -s multiple_align/alignment.fasta -c 1 -m GTRCATX -n EXEC_NAME -p PARSIMONY_SEED
      > raxml-ng --msa multiple_align/alignment.fasta --model TrN
      > paup -s multiple_align/alignment.fasta
      > iqtree -s multiple_align/alignment.fasta -m TrN

    AICc      model              K            lnL          score          delta    weight
           1  TrN                5     -5378.2013     10784.4026         0.0000    0.2246
           2  TIM2+G4            7     -5376.4972     10784.9944         0.5919    0.1671
           3  TIM3               6     -5378.1637     10786.3274         1.9249    0.0858
           4  TIM2+I             7     -5377.2570     10786.5141         2.1115    0.0782
           5  TrN+G4             6     -5378.3069     10786.6138         2.2113    0.0744
           6  TIM1+G4            7     -5377.3549     10786.7098         2.3073    0.0709
           7  HKY                4     -5380.7535     10787.5069         3.1044    0.0476
           8  TPM1uf             5     -5379.8699     10787.7398         3.3372    0.0423
           9  TPM2uf+G4          6     -5378.9908     10787.9815         3.5790    0.0375
          10  TrN+I              6     -5379.0181     10788.0362         3.6336    0.0365
    Best model according to AICc
    Model:              TrN
    lnL:                -5378.2013
    Frequencies:        0.3720 0.1679 0.2249 0.2352
    Subst. Rates:       1.0000 2.2008 1.0000 1.0000 3.1065 1.0000 
    Inv. sites prop:    -
    Gamma shape:        -
    Score:              10784.4026
    Weight:             0.2246
    Parameter importances
    P.Inv:              0.1262
    Gamma:              0.3943
    Gamma-Inv:          0.0384
    Frequencies:        1.0000
    Model averaged estimates
    P.Inv:              0.0216
    Alpha:              93.2595
    Alpha-P.Inv:        94.4193
    P.Inv-Alpha:        0.0216
    Frequencies:        0.3718 0.1684 0.2238 0.2359 

      > phyml  -i multiple_align/alignment.fasta -m 010020 -f m -v 0 -a 0 -c 1 -o tlr
      > raxmlHPC-SSE3 -s multiple_align/alignment.fasta -c 1 -m GTRCATX -n EXEC_NAME -p PARSIMONY_SEED
      > raxml-ng --msa multiple_align/alignment.fasta --model TrN
      > paup -s multiple_align/alignment.fasta
      > iqtree -s multiple_align/alignment.fasta -m TrN

ModelTest-NG Output Summary
    File    Criteria    Best Model
    hp_multiple_align/alignment.fasta   BIC HKY
    hp_multiple_align/alignment.fasta   AIC TrN
    hp_multiple_align/alignment.fasta   AICc    TrN

Step 3: Build a Tree

Now, we will use build_tree_NG to build our tree! You should use the best model outputted in model_test for the --model argument (here we are using GTR). The --all option will automatically run a full maximum likelihood & bootstrapping analysis for us:

haphpipe build_tree_NG --seqs hp_multiple_align/alignment_region00.fasta --all --model GTR

The output will be written to a new directory, hp_build_tree. The best tree file from RAxML will be outputted as This tree can then be annotated in programs such as FigTree or iTOL.

Phylogenomics Pipelines

For users who would like to build a full pipeline to run assembly and phylogenetics stages in one go, we recommend adapting the demo pipeline (haphpipe_demo) for this purpose. See the demo page for more details.


Align consensus sequences using MAFFT (documentation). Input can be a list of directories which contain final.fna and/or ph_haplotypes.fna files or a fasta file, or both (in which case the sequences in the FASTA file are combined with the final.fna and/or ph_haplotypes.fna files retreived before the alignment. Sequences will be separated by amplicons using a supplied GTF file before alignment (unless the --alignall option is specified). This module may also be used to separate files by amplicons (without aligning) by specifying the --fastaonly option. Alignments are by default outputted as FASTA files, although PHYLIP (--phylipout) or CLUSTAL (--clustalout) output options are also available. Many options from MAFFT are available in this module. Please refer to the MAFFT documentation above for information about these options.


haphpipe multiple_align [MAFFT OPTIONS] [HAPHPIPE OPTIONS] --seqs <FASTA> --dir_list <TXT> --ref_gtf <GTF> [--outdir]


hp_multiple_align [MAFFT OPTIONS] [HAPHPIPE OPTIONS] --seqs <FASTA> --dir_list <TXT> --ref_gtf <GTF> [--outdir]

Output files: alignment files in FASTA format (default), one per amplicon (or one alignment.fasta file if using --alignall option)

Note: MAFFT stores intermediate files in a temporary directory located in /tmp. More information is available here.

Input/Output Arguments:

Option Description
--seqs SEQS FASTA file with sequences to be aligned
--dir_list DIR_LIST List of directories which include either a final.fna or ph_haplotypes.fna file, one on each line
--ref_gtf REF_GTF Reference GTF file
--out_align OUT_ALIGN Name for alignment file
--nuc Assume nucleotide (default: False)
--amino Assume amino (default: False)
--clustalout Clustal output format (default: False)
--phylipout PHYLIP output format (default: False)
--inputorder Output order same as input (default: False)
--reorder Output order aligned (default: False)
--treeout Guide tree is output to the input.tree file (default:False)
--quiet_mafft Do not report progress (default: False)
--outdir OUTDIR Output directory

MAFFT Options:

Option Description
--algo ALGO Use different algorithm in command: linsi, ginsi, einsi, fftnsi, fftns, nwns, nwnsi
--auto Automatically select algorithm (default: False)
--sixmerpair Calculate distance based on shared 6mers, on by default (default: False)
--globalpair Use Needleman-Wunsch algorithm (default: False)
--localpair Use Smith-Waterman algorithm (default: False)
--genafpair Use local algorithm with generalized affine gap cost (default: False)
--fastapair Use FASTA for pairwise alignment (default: False)
--weighti WEIGHTI Weighting factor for consistency term
--retree RETREE Number of times to build guide tree
--maxiterate MAXITERATE Number of cycles for iterative refinement
--noscore Do not check alignment score in iterative alignment (default: False)
--memsave Use Myers-Miller algorithm (default: False)
--parttree Use fast tree-building method with 6mer distance (default: False)
--dpparttree Use PartTree algorithm with distances based on DP (default: False)
--fastaparttree Use PartTree algorithm with distances based on FASTA (default: False)
--partsize PARTSIZE Number of partitions for PartTree
--groupsize GROUPSIZE Max number of sequences for PartTree

MAFFT Parameters:

Option Description
--lop LOP Gap opening penalty
--lep LEP Offset value
--lexp LEXP Gap extension penalty
--LOP LOP Gap opening penalty to skip alignment
--LEXP LEXP Gap extension penalty to skip alignment
--bl BL BLOSUM matrix: 30, 45, 62, or 80
--jtt JTT JTT PAM number >0
--tm TM Transmembrane PAM number >0
--aamatrix AAMATRIX Path to user-defined AA scoring matrix
--fmodel Incorporate AA/nuc composition info into scoring matrix (default: False)


Option Description
--ncpu NCPU Number of CPU to use (default: 1)
--quiet Do not write output to console (silence stdout and stderr) (default: False)
--logfile LOGFILE Name for log file (output)
--debug Print commands but do not run (default: False)
--fastaonly Output fasta files separated by region but do not align (default: False)
--alignall Do not separate files by region, align entire file (default: False)

Example usage:

haphpipe multiple_align --dir_list demo_sra_list.txt --ref_gtf HIV_B.K03455.HXB2.gtf --phylipout --logfile demo_multiple_align.log


Select the best-fit model of evolution from an alignment file using ModelTest-NG (documentation). Input is an alignment in FASTA or PHYLIP format. Output is ModelTest-NG results (text file) containing information for the best performing models.


haphpipe model_test [ModelTest-NG OPTIONS] [HAPHPIPE OPTIONS] --seqs <FASTA> [--outdir]


hp_model_test [ModelTest-NG OPTIONS] [HAPHPIPE OPTIONS] --seqs <FASTA> [--outdir]

Output files: ModelTest-NG output file (modeltest_results.out).

Input/Output Arguments:

Option Description
--seqs SEQS Alignment in FASTA or PHYLIP format
--outname Name for output file
--outdir OUTDIR Output directory

ModelTest-NG Options:

Option Description
--data_type Data type: nt or aa (default: nt)
--partitions Partitions file
--seed Seed for random number generator
--topology TOPOLOGY Starting topology: ml, mp, fixed-ml-jc, fixed-ml-gtr, fixed-mp, random, or user (default: ml)
--utree User-defined starting tree
--force Force output overriding (default: False)
--asc_bias ASC_BIAS Ascertainment bias correction: lewis, felsenstein, or stamatakis
--frequencies FREQUENCIES Candidate model frequencies: e (estimated) or f (fixed)
--het HET Set rate heterogeneity: u (uniform), i (invariant sites +I), g (gamma +G), or f (bothinvariant sites and gamma +I+G)
--models MODELS Text file with candidate models, one per line
--schemes SCHEMES Number of predefined DNA substitution schemes evaluated: 3, 5, 7, 11, or 203
--template TEMPLATE Set candidate models according to a specified tool: raxml, phyml, mrbayes, or paup


Option Description
--ncpu NCPU Number of CPU to use (default: 1)
--quiet Do not write output to console (silence stdout and stderr) (default: False)
--logfile LOGFILE Name for log file (output)
--debug Print commands but do not run (default: False)
--keep_tmp Keep temporary directory (default: False)

Example usage:

haphpipe model_test --seqs multiple_align/alignment.fasta


Phylogeny reconstruction with RAxML-NG (documentation). Input is an alignment (FASTA or PHYLIP format). Output is a tree file. Please see the RAxML-NG documentation for a full description of RAxML-NG options.


haphpipe build_tree_NG [RAxML OPTIONS] [HAPHPIPE OPTIONS] --seqs <FASTA> --output_name <TXT> [--outdir]


hp build_tree_NG [RAxML OPTIONS] [HAPHPIPE OPTIONS] --seqs <FASTA> --output_name <TXT> [--outdir]

Output files:

File Description
%PREFIX.raxml.bestTree Outputs the best-scoring Maximum Likelihood tree
%PREFIX.raxml.bestPartitionTrees Best-scoring ML tree for each partition
%PREFIX.raxml.bestModel Optimized parameters for the highest-scoring ML tree
%PREFIX.raxml.bootstraps Trees generated for every bootstrap replicate
%PREFIX.raxml.bootstrapMSA..phy Bootstrap replicate alignments
%PREFIX.raxml.ckp Contains last log record if RAxML-NG has not finished successfully
%PREFIX.raxml.consensusTree Consensus tree: estimates support for each clade of the final tree
%PREFIX.raxml.log Screen log
%PREFIX.raxml.mlTrees Maximum Likelihood trees for each starting tree
%PREFIX.raxml.startTree The starting trees for each Maximum Likelihood inference Best-scoring Maximum Likelihood tree with bootstrap values
%PREFIX.raxml.terrace Trees residing on a terrace (same likelihood or parsimony score) in compressed Newick form
%PREFIX.raxml.terraceNewick Trees residing on a terrace in multi-line standard Newick form

Input/Output Arguments:

Option RAxML-NG Equivalent Description
--seqs SEQS --msa Input alignment in PHYLIP or FASTA format
--output_name NAME --prefix Run name for trees (default: build_tree.tre)
--outdir OUTDIR --prefix Output directory (default: .)

RAxML-NG Options:

Option RAxML Equivalent-NG Description
--model MODEL --model Substitution model OR path to partition file
--all --all Run bootstrap search and find best ML tree
--branch_length BRANCH_LENGTH --brlen Specify branch linkage model
--consense --consense Build a consensus tree
--rand_tree RAND_TREE --tree rand Start tree option: start from a random topology
--pars_tree PARS_TREE --tree pars Start tree option: parsimony-based randomized stepwise addition algorithm
--user_tree USER_TREE --tree Start tree option: upload custom tree in Newick format
--search --search Predefined start tree: 10 random and 10 parsimony in v0.8.0 and later
--search_1random --search1 Predefined start tree: 1 random
--constraint_tree CONSTRAINT_TREE --tree-constraint Specify topological constraint tree
--outgroup OUTGROUP --outgroup Outgroup to root inferred tree
--bsconverge --bsconverge Posteriori bootstrap convergence test
--bs_msa --bsmsa Bootstrap replicate alignments
--bs_trees BS_TREES --bs-trees Number of bootstrap trees OR autoMRE
--bs_tree_cutoff BS_TREE_CUTOFF --bs-cutoff Specify bootstopping cutoff value
--bs_metric BS_METRIC --bs-metric Compare bootstrap support values
--bootstrap --bootstrap Non-parametric bootstrap analysis
--check --check Alignment sanity check
--log LOG --log Options for output verbosity
--loglh --loglh Compute and print the likelihood of the tree(s) without optimization or generating output files
--terrace TERRACE --terrace Check if a tree is on a phylogenetic terrace.


Option Description
--version check RAxML-NG version
--seed SEED Seed for random numbers
--redo Run even if there are existing files with the same name
--keep_tmp Keep temporary directory
--quiet Do not write output to console (silence stdout and stderr) (default: False)
--logfile LOGFILE Name for log file (output)
--debug Print commands but do not run (default: False)
--ncpu NCPU Number of CPU to use (default: 1)

Example usage:

haphpipe build_tree_NG --all --seqs hp_alignments/alignment.fasta --model GTR